MRK Sohag

Mizanur Rahman Khan Sohag

An Engineer / A Project Manager / A Full Stack Developer / A Friend / A Biker / SSC #07 HSC #09 Bangladesh

Lead Software Engineer

Seeking for a position of Senior Software Engineer / Lead Developer to give my best output and want to work with a progressive and forward-thinking organization where I can use my skills, demonstrate my creativity, illustrate my independent thinking, gather up to date knowledge for developing our Company.

I have 11 years 4 months 21 days Experience on the area “Software Design and Development”. I am a sincere, very dedicated to work and honest.

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Check my experiences that i gather knowledge of from previous companies.

Yakoun Inc. Ltd.

1st July, 2019 to Continue

Lead Full Stack Developer (Remote Job)

Pashtya - Find Freelancers, Tutors, Courses and Engages / Gigs Web, Android and iOS App

Pashtya app (like preply) where you may create a freelancer, tutor, company, or student profile. The tutor may add schedules (weekly, half-monthly, monthly, yearly), courses for sale, and engage/gig for sale. Companies can add jobs and blogs. Students may book any tutor schedules, buy any online course, buy engage/gig or apply for any jobs. The company, Tutor, and students may chat or video and audio call or share screens for scheduled meetings. The calling feature is always available for admin but for customers and tutors are available at the scheduled time. There has an admin panel to manage all. Checkout and credit card payment system using Payezy Payment gateway. Admin and tutors coupons, Orders, Order Details, blogs, supports, and many more that you may check on the website.

All have been developed and planned by me. There was an adobe XD designer, he design an Adobe XD file.

Also, a junior developer who design a static website if I did not have time to do that. Then I have done all the dynamic contents using the teach stacks below.

  • Development API: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, and Redis.
  • Frontend: React JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML and CSS
  • Development Chatting, Audio, Video Call, and Screen Share: NodeJS, Express, soketIO, PeerJS, and WebRTC.iOS, and
  • iOS and Android App: React Native (All feature that have on web)

Yakoun Multi Tenant B2B and B2C e-commerce system

Yakoun B2B E-commerce, multi-tenant web apps that have admin, seller, and customer panels. Sellers can register for selling their products. On the seller panel, sellers can add, edit, trash, restore, and permanently delete products, Can buy a membership to get more facilities. Also, advertise the product. Customers can register to buy products. Admin can do anything on the website. Customers can add any product to the cart, compare the list, and checkout using a credit card. After checkout can see the orders list and other details list. Also, buy a membership to get premium services. There have lots of facilities you may check on websites or apps.

The design was done by Figma then we developed a Static web page and dynamic web app using tech stacks below

  • Development API: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, and Redis.
  • Frontend: React JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML and CSS
  • iOS and Android App: React Native (All feature that have on web)

Awazona (like TikTok) web, android and iOS apps

Awazona (like TikTok) web apps where we can create video, edit video, add video sound, remove old video sound, add image, text, voice or sound, or video. From the image, we can create a slideshow/carousel / or animated video by selecting a preset animation, and adding sounds and video.

The design was done by photoshop then we developed a Static web page and dynamic web app using tech stacks below

  • Development API: PHP, Laravel, FFmpeg, MySQL, Redis.
  • Frontend: React JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML and CSS
  • iOS and Android App: React Native (All feature that have on web)

Bitmascot Pvt. Ltd.

22nd April, 2018 to 30th June, 2019

Senior Software Engineer

Reed Graduation booking system multi-tenant web app

Reed Graduation booking system multi-tenant web app (Australian top 32 universities using this web app) where students can book graduation gowns, graduation products like gradpak, professional photography order, plaques and frames, bears and flowers, rings, and graduation books. Web application using CakePHP, DomPDF for graduation picture pdf generate, Stripe payment gateway, MySQL, and jQuery

Event Booking

Event Booking System where you may create online and venue events. Where has an advanced booking system? Seat management and many more. Tools: PHP, CakePHP, WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, Google social login, MySQL, jQuery, Redis

Worked on other tools MEAN Stack, Amazon, PayPal, Twilio and SMS Module system.

Get Web Inc. Ltd

1st April, 2017 to 21st April, 2018

Project Manager and Lead Developer

As a Project Manager my task was:
  • Projects Management, Planning, Analysis, Design and Implementation,
  • Projects Estimating, Costing and Timeline provide
  • Checking and guideline provide to other developer developed project

Doodle Digital Company ecommerce

Doodle Digital Company e-commerce SEO-related web apps that have admin, and customer panels. Customers can register to buy products. Admin can do anything on the website. Customers can add any product to the cart, compare the list, and checkout using a credit card. After checkout can see the orders list and other details list. There have lots of facilities you may check on websites or apps.

The design was done by Photoshop then we developed a Static web page design using JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS and then convert it Dynamic web app using PHP, Laravel, Redis, and MySQL project.

Getweb Inc Web Application

GetWebInc company E-commerce web apps that have admin, and customer panels. Customers can register to buy products. Admin can do anything on the website. Customers can add any product to the cart, compare the list, and checkout using a credit card. After checkout can see the orders list and other details list. There have lots of facilities you may check on websites or apps.

The design was done by Photoshop then we developed a Static web page design using JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS and then convert it Dynamic web app using PHP, CakePHP, Redis, and MySQL project.

Custom Project Development

Custom Project developed using PHP, CakePHP, WordPress, jQuery, Unison Framework, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Angular

Enhanced iTech Ltd

1st January, 2016 to 31st March, 2017

Senior Software Engineer (Team Lead)

Custom Project Development
  • Inventory Management, Account Management, Educational System Management, E-Commerce Management B2B or B2C, Blog management develop
    Inventory Link
    Accounts Link
  • Working with PHP Framework/CMS like Laravel, Lumen, Code Igniter, Magento and WordPress,
  • Android Apps Development Using Java Like News Paper App, Inventory Apps.
  • API Module using like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, PayPal and SMS Module,
Company Theme Forest PHP WordPress Theme and Plugins development

I had been developed many ThemeForest multi purpose themes and plugin for that company

N. I. Biz Soft

1st January, 2015 to 20th December, 2015

Software Programmer

  • Freelancing based site design and development using following info:
  • Programming: Web Design and Development by using OOP PHP, ASP.Net, MySQL, AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS and HTML. Desktop Based Apps development by using C# and SQL.
  • MVC Framework: Code Igniter, Laravel, Magento and Umbraco.
  • API: PayPal, 2Checkout, Google Recapcha, Google Map, Facebook etc
  • CMS: WordPress (Theme, Plugins and Widgets Development and Customization), Magento, OpenCart E-Commerce Development.

Genuine Technology & Research Ltd.

1st June, 2013 to 31st December, 2014

Web developer

Genuine Technology Web Site Design and Development by using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. Bootstrap, UiKit based design and Graphic Design. Own Cloud Maintenance, GT-Solution, GT-Mail and GT-R & D server maintenance.

CCTV, AutoCAD 2D and 3D design for electrical fire detection, fire hydrant design & Calculation according ACCORD rules and Regulation.

My Resume


Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in anim id est laborum.

  • PHP / Laravel / Symfony / CodeIgniter / CakePHP
  • Python / Django
  • WordPress / Magento / Yii
  • NodeJS / Next JS / MEAN / Strapi
  • C# /
  • Java / Spring
USD $500 - More

Web Development

  • JavaScrip / React JS / Vue JS
  • Angular / jQuery
  • HTML / CSS
  • Photoshop / Adobe XD / Figma
USD $500 - More

Web Design

  • Java / Android
  • Swift / iOS
  • Native / React Native / Flutter
  • SqLite / FIrebase
USD $500 - More

Mobile App

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Premier Pro
USD $500 - More

Graphic design

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What i do


Veirty of skills i have. Which one do you need?

In my 11 years 4 months 21 days professional carieer i have experience with lot of Programming language and language defandable packages or modules. Worked with many payment gateway like PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout, Payezy, TD Bank API, Moniries and bKash etc. Also worked on SMS Module, Twilio. Web RTC. Soket IO. Media Storage and many more.

  • Project Management
  • Lead Development
  • Development
  • Design / UI / UX
PHP / Laravel / Symfony / CakePHP / CodeIgniter
Python / Django
NodeJS / Next JS/ Express / Strapi
MySQL / SQLite / MSSQL / Mongo / Redis / Firebase
JavaScript / React / Vue / Angular
Android / iOS / React Native / Flutter / Java / Swift
C# /
Java / Spring

Languages Skills




my skills


Those i received on upwork or Freelancer

  • Yakoun
  • Pashtya
  • Awazona
  • Doodle Digital
  • Round Around Tire